Authors |
Sumenkov Sergey Yur'evich, Doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of state and legal disciplines, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. Legal privilege is a category denoting a departure from the principle of legal equality. This necessitates the study of the nature of privileges, the determination of their place in the system of legal advantages, the justification and proof of the fact that privileges correspond to the right. The purpose of the article is to form the definition of “privilege”, highlight its specific qualities, argue the need for the presence of this category in the texts of regulatory acts, especially its regulatory impact.
Materials and methods. Research objectives were achieved through the use of regulatory acts of various levels - international, federal, local; the study of law enforcement materials, especially judicial, practice, as well as a wide range of scientific papers. The dialectical method was chosen as the fundamental method of knowledge, in addition, the system-structural and formal-legal methods, as well as the hermeneutics method, were implemented.
Results. The concept of “privilege” was subjected to semantic analysis, the need for the presence of the term “privilege” in the conceptual framework of legal regulation was motivated, the basic components of the system of legal advantages were named.
Conclusions: Privilege is a legal advantage that personifies the maximum benefit that characterizes both the special and individual status of the subject. The study of privileges is necessary to establish criteria for their effectiveness and limits, minimize and eliminate the potential for abuse of both privileges and all legal benefits in general.
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